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Month: February 2015

Film Bites: Feb. 16-24

I realize omitting the Oscars from what is ostensibly a blog focused on pop culture, entertainment, and storytelling is a little self-defeating and we all pay attention to it, myself included, but . . . really, fuck the Oscars. Why? Two reasons: a) I don’t have cable so I didn’t…

Newsmen: Days Of Future Past

Whew, well that all happened fast. In the span of a week, one of America’s most famous newscasters was suspended without pay after mixing up his versions of reality, America’s most famous fake newscaster MORE trusted than any of America’s actual newscasters announced his abdication, and one of America’s preeminent…

Film Bites: Feb. 5-13

My apologies for the delay of this week’s Bites. I’ve been working on the Caged epistories and in typical fashion, I felt the need to architect out the story lines and mysteries for the next 11 months. Because, you know, how am I supposed to sleep at night if I…

Film Bites: Jan. 29 – Feb. 4

Sundance happened, but by all accounts, it was a lackluster one. For the second consecutive year, perennial buyer Harvey Weinstein went home empty handed and the two buzziest films – Me & Earl & the Dying Girl and Dope – earned more mixed reviews than raves. Also, I couldn’t go.…

10 Non-Franchise Films To Look Out For This Year

Despite Hollywood’s best attempts, there are still films made each year that are not sequels, reboots, prequels, or spinoffs. Indeed, years ago there were films known as”exciting” and “new.” The mind boggles. This is a tally of films that aren’t based on anything (mostly)* that are coming out this year…