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Tag: novel

2022: Writing Goals & Embarking on Futurescapes

Ah, 2022 (aka 2020, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone), the year of low expectations. Humility does wonders for enjoyment of the little things, the overlooked details that keep us going, the common treasures often left unexamined and the world over is nothing if not humbled by the seemingly-endless pandemic…

THE DARKEST FATE Is Complete. What’s Next?

Tomorrow, I’ll be 28. The first draft of my novel is complete. Happy birthday, me! . . . So what’s next? I must admit, my current situation feels a bit like Wile E. Coyote running off the cliff; if I look down, I’ll fall. I deliberately left much of my…

The Road Less Traveled to ‘The Darkest Fate’

On the last episode of Sam Writes a Novel, our hero sat atop a pile of words – almost 190,000 – at the halfway mark of 2019. For context, he entered the year with around 120,000 words written, a compilation of outlines, notes, and scattered scenes. The first half of…

Sloggin’ & Writin’: A Novel Progress Report

2019 has been a busy year for me, inasmuch as “busy” applies to a person who sits in one place to do his work and aspires to such an existence pretty much indefinitely. The sheer fact that I am Slogging at all is an achievement, a startling contrast to my…