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Sam Flynn's Slog Posts

Game of Thrones 5.3: High Sparrow – Review

Ah it wouldn’t be Game of Thrones without weddings and we got one today (between the boy king Tommen and the twice-widowed Margaery) and a promise of another (in a shocking swerve from the source material). The Wall: Jon & Stannis Jon has made Olly his squire. So there’s that.…

Sam Flynn’s 7: The Week in Pop Culture – April 17-24

The week is long and hard, that’s why every Friday, you can relax and catch up on everything you need to know in Hollywood and beyond with Sam Flynn’s 7, my breakdown and analysis of the week in film and TV. Big news week, with Cinema Con, where distributors present their…

Netflix’s Bloodline: Season 1 Review

With Damages, series creators Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler, and Daniel Zelman took the term “legal show” and cranked it up to 11. With Bloodline, they’ve done it again, taking the “family drama” and making the morality about as dark and nonexistent as air in space. When I read a description…

Game of Thrones 5.2: The House of Black and White – Review

More than anything, this episode was an important pivot point. Characters reached the end of journeys and began new ones. Book material ended and show invention began. I could feel the season’s groundwork being laid for payoff in the second half. It’s an exciting time to be a fan. Let’s…

Sam Flynn’s 7: The Week in Pop Culture – April 11-17

The week is long and hard, that’s why every Friday, you can relax and catch up on everything you need to know in Hollywood and beyond with Sam Flynn’s 7, my breakdown and analysis of the week in film and TV. 1-2. Jumbo Marvel Edition: Age of Ultron press, Ant-Man trailer,…

The Hollywood Echo Chamber: Bizarrely Similar Storylines of ‘Avengers’ and ‘Justice League’ films

Welcome to a new, semi-regular column where I analyze movies past, present and future that seem more-or-less separate at idea birth. Hollywood is a great big bubble (or womb, to keep the metaphor going) and some ideas keep repeating and cycling out. This is the Echo Chamber.  It’s not original to…

Netflix’s Daredevil: Season 1 Review

I’ll start with this: I enjoyed Daredevil. But like its hero, it is flawed in profound ways. It’s hard to say what keeps it from being a great show: the flat-attempts at comic relief, the ambiguous and redundant plot, or character inconsistencies. The best praise for the show comes a…

Game of Thrones 5.1: The Wars to Come – Review

This review presumes the viewer has not seen the further 3 episodes that leaked ahead of yesterday’s premiere. Now, I would never give in to temptation and illegally watch one of my favorite shows given the opportunity . . . but I’m a Millennial, I barely even know the concept of…

Back After the Commercial Interruption

Guess who’s back, back, back again . . . I couldn’t resist. Bad news: some WiFi troubles left me Internet-less (which is both better and worse than you think it is). Good news: I was able to get work done on my novel Tears of Elmaya. Combine them and what…

Consuming Nostalgia: The Re-packaging and Selling of Our Cultural Identity

Say ’em with me, one breath: Alien, Predator, Terminator, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Beetlejuice, Beverly Hills Cop, Blade Runner, Mad Max, Planet of the Apes, Die Hard, Triplets, Conan the Barbarian, Ghostbusters, Jurassic Park (ragged breath) . . . 3 versions of Sherlock Holmes, 3 versions of Robin Hood, 2 films of…