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Author: Sam Flynn

Wasting oxygen since 1992, Sam thanks the gods he doesn't believe in everyday his parents didn't discard him as an infant. It would have been the sensible thing to do.

Sloggin’ & Writin’: A Novel Progress Report

2019 has been a busy year for me, inasmuch as “busy” applies to a person who sits in one place to do his work and aspires to such an existence pretty much indefinitely. The sheer fact that I am Slogging at all is an achievement, a startling contrast to my…

‘Game of Thrones’ Ends as Game of Telephone in ‘The Iron Throne’

A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE will end with A DREAM OF SPRING. HBO’s adaptation, called GAME OF THRONES, ended with “The Iron Throne.” The titles tell all.

‘The Bells’ Rang and Fire Fell on ‘Game of Thrones’

“The Long Night” brought us ice, now “The Bells” arrives with fire to complete the song started by George R.R. Martin and finished by Game of Thrones

‘Game of Thrones’ Fractures ‘The Last of the Starks’

I liked ‘The Last of the Starks’ but I have a hard time determining if that’s because I was so cold (puns ftw) on ‘The Long Night’ or it was genuinely good. The show is multifaceted and some of those facets remain great, even diminished.

‘Game of Thrones’ Impresses and Underwhelms in Climactic ‘The Long Night’

“The Long Night” is the biggest, baddest battle sequence ever put on TV and yet it might be one of the least satisfying of the many Thrones has delivered. It was a perfect storm of factors: a silent, implacable, and one-dimensional villain, the plot armor that kept so many major characters alive to the end, or the dark and occasionally incoherent cinematography.

‘Game of Thrones’ Breathes One Last Time in ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’

The show and its characters took a respite this week in the calm before the White Walker storm. Your enjoyment will depend on how much you like the show’s handling of its character reunions in lieu of action or plot momentum.

‘Game of Thrones’ Comes Full Circle in ‘Winterfell’

Overall, a solid return to Westeros: satisfyingly speedy continuations to the remaining plots matched with the show’s less-than-subtle dialogue and messy character motivations.

‘Game of Thrones’: The Beginning of the End in S7 Finale ‘The Dragon and the Wolf’

When last we spoke about Game of Thrones, it was “Beyond the Wall,” the worst episode of the series by far. It was so bad that I lost the will to finish this recap at the time, as Season 7 faded into memory. Now, almost two years later, I’m here to finish what I started, catch up where we left off, and console myself that it probably took as much as effort as the forthcoming episodes did. Probably. 

What I Got Wrong in 2016

The outcome of the last presidential election required me to undergo some serious self-reflection. “Keller wakes up the morning after the election thinking that he doesn’t know his own country anymore.   We’re not, he thinks, who I thought we were.  Not who I thought we were at all . .…

The Pyramid

About a year ago, facing self-imposed pressure to buckle down and finally write the book I dreamed of, I sought inspiration elsewhere. One of those places was flash fiction, which by nature are quick and spontaneous stories. I wrote a bunch, submitted a few to some contests, and one finished…